Different approaches to screening based on RNA interference are implemented there to induce specific, single, systematic and massively parallel inhibition of gene expression (loss of function), or neutralization and/or overexpression of micro human -RNAs (gain and/or loss of function).
These strategies allow cataloging sets of genes or microRNAs that play a role in biological function or metabolic pathway of interest. Genes or micro RNAs thus identified are then used, for example, as support in the development of new therapeutic approaches, in vitro tests , or extensive bioinformatics analyzes.
The team of the PARi platform has the human and technical resources, and scientific expertise to the development and production of functional screening of interfering RNA banks (human genome-wide libraries of synthetic siRNAs, antisense and "mimicry" of micro-RNAs) on a wide range of automated and miniaturized cell-based assays (Figure 1)
Figure 1. Scheme of a functional screening by broadband RNA interference.
The areas of expertise of our platform also cover statistical and bioinformatics analysis of data from broadband functional genomics. The analytical methodologies developed allow decoding the signaling pathways and specific genetic networks of a cellular system, the mathematical modeling of biological processes and the implementation of innovative analytical approaches in systems biology.
Our laboratory has also developed an innovative approach based on screening, allowing the identification of functional targets of miRNAs ("Target Suppressor Screen Assay" or "Stars assay", Figure 2).
Figure 2 : identification of functional targets of a miRNA by « STarS assay ».