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Published on 30 April 2020


NeuroSpin is hiring

​PhD position for January 2024

​​NeuroSpin, directed by Stanislas Dehaene, is a research center for innovation in brain imaging, located on the CEA Paris-Saclay site. At NeuroSpin, physicists, mathematicians, neuroscientists and doctors join forces to develop synergistically the tools and models that will allow to better understand the functioning of the normal and pathological brain, before or after treatment. Focused on neuroimaging, the research conducted ranges from technological and methodological developments (data acquisition and processing) to preclinical and clinical neuroscience, including cognitive neuroscience. 
Adress : Centre d'études de Saclay, Bâtiment 145, 
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette


NeuroSpin has four research units located at the Saclay site and one unit located in Bordeaux : 

  • The Joint Research Unit, BAOBAB (Building large instruments for neuroimaging: from population imaging to ultra-high magnetic fields), under the supervision of CEA, CNRS and Université Paris Saclay, born from the fusion of two research units (UNIRS and UNATI)
  • The Joint Research Unit in Cognitive Neuroimaging, UNICOG (U992), under the supervision of CEA, Inserm and Université Paris-Saclay.
  • The Research Unit in Clinical and Translational Applicative NeuroImaging (UNIACT), attached to UMR 1141
  • The MIND (formerly PARIETAL) mixed unit, under the supervision of Inria and CEA
  • The Neurofunctional Imaging Group (GIN-IMN), located in Bordeaux and attached to the UMR 5293.


​Exceptional facilities and platforms

To carry out their activities, researchers of NeuroSpin have access to platforms, certified IBiSA and part of the National Infrastructures in Biology and Health: France Life Imaging (FLI) and NeurATRIS :

​​ IRM3T.jpg Clinical: MRI 3T, 7T and soon 11.7T
IRM7T.jpg Preclinical MRI for small animals: 7T, 11.7T et 17T
PAR-20090515-007_wmg.jpg EEG et MEG 3-photon imaging (soon).

These instruments are open to the national or
international scientific community, to academics or industrials.
Do you want to submit your project to NeuroSpin ?
