InDEvTeam (Lucie HERTZ-PANNIER, Jessica Dubois) |
UNIACT is also composed of two operational cells for managing NeuroSpin platforms
UNIACT (Translational and Applicative Neuroimaging Research Unit) research aims to adapt and validate in various human pathologies the imaging concepts and methods developed in healthy subjects or in animals to translate them into clinical tools (imaging biomarkers for disease prediction, diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutic follow-up).
Main pathologies targeted by the residents teams of clinical researchers (with INSERM and Paris Universities), in collaboration with regional Hospitals are
neurodegenerative diseases (mostly Alzheimer disease) and
adult neurological disorders (multiple sclerosis, dementias, including CADASIL…), in collaboration with Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Lariboisière Hospital and Sainte-Anne Hospital,
psychiatric diseases (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism), in collaboration with Henri Mondor Hospital and the Fondation FondaMental, and
neurodevelopmental disorders in children (such as epilepsies, neonatal stroke, brain tumors, cognitive deficiencies, rare diseases…), a specificity of Neurospin, in collaboration with Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital, Robert Debré Hospital,
Institut Gustave Roussy and
Bicêtre Hospital.