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Conférence NeuroSpin

Processing of multiple scales in space and time

Du 01/03/2021 au 01/03/2021

Shahar ARZY (Computational Neuropsychiatry Lab, Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Neuropsychiatry Clinic, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel) will give a talk on Zoom on March 3rd.


Invited by: Virginie van Wassenhove

Short abstract:

Daily life happens in space (places visited), time (events experienced) and with conspecifics (social networks). While in real life these three domains encompass multiple scales, from room to continents, milliseconds to life-time, and closest group-members to socially distant individuals, they are explored usually in the smaller scales, available within our lab settings. In this talk we will first ask whether different scales are represented by the same or different brain systems? I will present fMRI data in humans showing that the brain is scale selective, and increasing scales are represented on cortical gradients directed from concrete (scene construction) to abstract (default network) cortices. But life also takes place in different scales simultaneously (e.g. room and country, minute and month, close-friends and colleagues).I will show how multiple scales follow grid-code in the entorhinal cortex.  Taken together, the talk will emphasize the importance of ecolgically-valid scales in the exploration of spatial and temporal cognition.

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