Jessica Andreani, Researcher
Yves Boulard, Researcher
Jean-Baptiste Charbonnier, Researcher
Stéphane Bressanelli, Researcher
Philippe Cuniasse, Researcher
Pascal Drevet, Researcher
Sonia Fieulaine, Researcher
Bernard Gilquin, Researcher
Raphaël Guerois, Researcher
Marie-Helene Le Du, Researcher
Michel Masella, Researcher
Simona Miron, Researcher
G wenaëlle Moal-Raisin, Technician
Françoise Ochsenbein, Researcher
Maïté Paternostre, Researcher
Laure Plançon-Arnould, Univ. PSud Lecturer
Carine Tellier-Lebegue, Technician
François-Xavier Theiller, Researcher
Sophie Zinn-Justin , Researcher

The globular modules or domains have multiple functions including regulation of the enzymatic activities of proteins and orchestration of the cellular signaling. They are usually conserved during evolution, and we identify them using bioinformatics approaches. Their 3D structure is determined by NMR or X-ray crystallography. Their arrangement within the modular protein is observed by SAXS and NMR. Their interactions are characterized by NMR, biochemistry, fluorescence or calorimetry. Crystallography provides access to the structure of multi-functional protein complexes. Our structures are positionned in electron microscopy maps in order to build pseudo-atomic models of functionally important complexes.
Molecular modeling
Clearly, molecular modeling is a central tool in the laboratory that gives access to models consistent with heterogeneous structural data. On the experimental point of view, in addition to standard laboratory equipment, we have a comprehensive NMR park (500MHz, 600MHz, 700MHz), and we benefit from the proximity of the synchrotron SOLEIL which is in operation since 2006. The laboratory has an extensive expertise in the different techniques that give access to an atomic understanding of biological processes. Its location in an environment of cell biologists and geneticists favors synergies between in vitro and in vivo approaches.