THE CYCLIC IMINE PROROCENTROLIDE-A OBTAINED FROM CULTURED JAPANESE PROROCENTRUM LIMA DINOFLAGELLATES TARGET MUSCLE- AND NEURONAL-TYPE NICOTINIC ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTORS | Amar M., Araoz R., Iorga BI., Yasumoto T., Servent D. and Molgo J. | |  | Prorocentrolide-A from Cultured Prorocentrum lima Dinoflagellates Collected in Japan Blocks Sub-Types of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors | Amar M., Araoz R., Iorga B. I., Yasumoto T., Servent D. and Molgo J. | |  | Identification of T-cell epitopes from benzylpenicillin conjugated to human serum albumin and implication in penicillin allergy | Azoury M. E., Fili L., Bechara R., Scornet N., de Chaisemartin L., Weaver R. J., Claude N., Maillere B., Parronchi P., Joseph D. and Pallardy M. | |  | Ribosome Inactivating Proteins: From Plant Defense to Treatments against Human Misuse or Diseases | | |  | MAMBALGINS, SNAKE PEPTIDES AGAINST INFLAMMATORY AND NEUROPATHIC PAIN THROUGH INHIBITION OF ASIC CHANNELS | Baron A., Diochot S., Salinas M., Alloui A., Douguet D., Mourier G., Kessler P., Stura EA., Besson T., Friend V., Servent D., Eschalier A. and Lingueglia E. | |  | Structural Studies based on two Lysine Dioxygenases with Distinct Regioselectivity Brings Insights Into Enzyme Specificity within the Clavaminate Synthase-Like Family | Bastard K., Isabet T., Stura E. A., Legrand P. and Zaparucha A. | |  | "23(rd) and 24(th) Meetings of the French Society of Toxinology (SFET): Special Issue on ""Toxins: Immunity, Inflammation and Pain""" | Benoit E., Barbier J. and Molgo J. | |  | ASSESSMENT OF SAXITOXIN SENSITIVITY OF NERVES ISOLATED FROM THE PACIFIC OYSTER, CRASSOSTREA GIGAS, EXPOSED TO ALEXANDRIUM MINUTUM | Boullot F., Fabioux C., Hegaret H., Soudant P., Boudry P. and Benoit E. | |  | Incorporation of Non-canonical Amino Acids into 2,5-Diketopiperazines by Cyclodipeptide Synthases | Canu N., Belin P., Thai R., Correia I., Lequin O., Seguin J., Moutiez M. and Gondry M. | |  | Copper mediated amyloid-beta binding to Transthyretin | Ciccone L., Fruchart-Gaillard C., Mourier G., Savko M., Nencetti S., Orlandini E., Servent D., Stura E. A. and Shepard W. | |  |