LMCTaran is on Twitter, follow us!
- 02 January 2025 : Srtating the new year with an excellent new! Our collaboratie paper on the synthesis of a drug inside cancer cells is accepted in Angewandte Chemie!!! Congratulations to Léa and all co-authors !!!
- 19 March 2024 : congratulations to Bouchaib, Maylis and Juba for our latest J. Am. Chem. Soc. on how C-S bond cleavage can be explored for Sulfur Isotope Exchange and Multiple Isotope Incorporation!
- 24 July 2023 : our two milestone papers on CO2 radical anion and CO2-to-CO photoreduction have been published online today, in J. Am. Chem. Soc. and Nat. Commun.!!!
Congratulations to the authors and to the LMC group for these great achievements!!!
Prosecco is ready to pop !
- April 2023 : Our milestone review on Carbon Isotope Exchange is out in Angewandte Chemie ! Congrats to Alexandre, Augustin and Maxime!

- 19 February 2021: Our photocatalytic labeling procedure with CO2 is out in ACS Catalysis! Congratulations to Victor, Alex, Alexandre, Gianluca, Antonio and all co-workers! Well done !!!
ACS Catalysis suppementary cover: Nice Artwork @Antoine!
- 25 November 2020: Our review on "Click and Bio-Orthogonal Reactions with Mesoionic Compounds" is accepted in Chem. Rev.! Congratulations to Karine, Margaux and Carlotta!
- 29 April 2020: Excellent news, our latest work on the development of a transition-metal free carbon isotope exchenge is out in Angewandte! Congratulations to Gianluca and all co-authors for this excellent work!
- 10 December 2019: We are very happy to share that Davide is recepient of a 2019 ERC Consolidator grant! Congratulations for this great news! For informations see here: ERC-CEA, ERC-JOLIOT, Italian newspapers 1 2 3

Fast Radio-Labeling and Isotope Exchange Proposal Acronym: FASTLabEx
The impact of synthetic organic molecules
on health, life quality and lifestyle is beyond doubt. It is therefore of
fundamental importance to detect and quantify the fate of organic compounds and
provide a precise risk/benefit assessment, before they reach the market and
large public exposure. The traceless incorporation of carbon-14 allows tracking
organic molecules and provides vital knowledge on their fate. This information
is critical for pharmaceutical development, crop science and human food safety
evaluation. Surprisingly, carbon radiolabeling still represents a bottleneck
and an unsolved fundamental problem. In fact, current synthetic strategies are
marred by several major drawbacks, including the generation of radioactive
waste, being multi-step time-consuming and high resource-demanding. To
circumvent such disadvantages, I present FASTLabEx, a novel approach for the
straightforward preparation of carbon-labeled complex organic molecules that
introduces the radioactive tag at the ultimate-stage of the synthesis. Inspired
by efficient metal-catalyzed transformations, FASTLabEx makes use of a novel
paradigm of “carbon isotope exchange", defined as the selective
replacement of molecular moieties into organic molecules, by reversible
molecular deconstruction/reconstruction in presence of an appropriate
radiolabeled moiety. FASTLabEx will explore this concept onto a large variety
of functional groups and structural diversity, far beyond the case of
carboxylic acids. This approach has the potential to streamline the
radio-synthesis of pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. Outcomes from FASTLabEx
will have a tangible societal impact not only for the radiochemical community,
but also for pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries and in fine the
consumers and patients. In order to mitigate the risks inherent to the project,
preliminary results demonstrate its feasibility. Scientific outcome from FASTLabEx:
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 5659–5665; ACS Catal. 2021, 11, 2968−2976; JACS Au, 2022, 2, 1234–1251; SynLett 2022, 33, 171-176; Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2022, ejoc.202200133; Chem. Commun. 2022, 58, 12831–12834; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, e202303535; Asian J. Org. Chem. 2023, 12, e202200640; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c04679; Nat. Commun. 2023, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-40136-w
- 6 March 2018: Davide Audisio received the
“Young Researcher in Medicinal Chemistry Award” provided by the French Medicinal Chemistry Society (SCT) and sponsored by Servier, during the "25th Young Research Fellows Meeting" in Orléans. Congratulations!!!

“Young Researcher in Medicinal Chemistry Award 2018” © S. Papot